Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Anti-Perspirants

By Scott Bartle

could breast cancer risk factors include the use of anti-perspirants?

Hands Up Who Uses Anti-Perspirants?

A large percentage of people do... mostly under their arms... closest to what...?

The body naturally purges toxins from the body in a few specific areas: behind the knees & ears, groin and armpits. Prevent the toxins leaving with anti-perspirants and where do the toxins go...? What if the lymph nodes took up toxins that the body is trying to get rid of...?

Most breast cancers are detected in the upper outer quadrant of the breast... closest to what...? Is there any link between right handed people, heavier application of anti-perspirants and breast cancer occurring in the left breast...?

Underarm anti-perspirants are not something you wash off... and they're reapplied regularly... right?

Some Science

What if you plotted the incidence of breast cancer against the increased usage of these cosmetics... would there be any correlation? This was done in 1926, 1947, 1952, 1967, and again in 1994... guess what?

If you shaved your armpits would the likelihood of chemicals entering the body be increased...? Hair seems to capture much of the applied anti-perspirants. Could this partly account for why men have a lower incidence of breast cancer?

What You Can Do

Notice I didn't say deodorants... I said anti-perspirants. The active ingredient of which is usually a derivative of aluminium.

Deodorants usually contain antibacterials and or fragrances, and do not stop sweat. Look at the ingredients on your deodorant... if it is described as an anti-perspirant it usually contains aluminium salts. It's becoming increasingly harder to find natural deodorants or at least those not containing aluminium - but they are available.

Trace the fundamental reason for the body needing to eliminate toxins back to it's cause... Does your body have too many toxins that you need to sweat them out - like the day after a huge night out...? Is your diet loading your body with toxins... or is your environment surrounding you with chemicals... without you knowing it?

Can you eliminate toxins from your body in another way... without needing to sweat them out...? Would there be less likelihood of toxins ending up stored in your lymph nodes?

There are many breast cancer risk factors. Perhaps anti-perspirants are one of them...?

Scott Bartle is the author of []the new book Breast Cancer Is Not For Everyone. Visit my website to learn more about []breast cancer causes and the importance of normality in your body.

Article Source: EzineArticles.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Breast Cancer Information - Every Woman Should Read This

By Tyson J Stevenson

Millions of women are affected with breast cancer all around the world. Breast cancer is growing like an epidemic and is predicted that 45,000 patients will die from breast cancer, this year. If you feel a solid lump in your breast, you must visit a specialist for consultation.

Breast cancer symptom:

Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause any pain. Unfortunately, in early stages when breast cancer develops, it does not show any breast cancer symptom. But as it grows, it can cause remarkable changes, which a woman should note. Breast cancer symptoms include thickening or lump near or in the breast, change in the shape or size of the affected breast, tenderness of nipple or nipple discharge, inversion of nipple into the breast, pitting or ridges of the breast, skin of the breast appears warm, red, swollen and scaly. A lady should visit her doctor if she persist with any breast cancer symptom.

Specialists diagnose breast cancer by any of the following examinations:
palpation, mammography, ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy or surgical biopsy.

Breast cancer treatment:

Breast cancer treatment options depend on location and size of the tumor in her breast.

Various methods of breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer treatments can be systemic or local. Radiation therapy and Surgery are the local breast cancer treatments. Local breast cancer treatments are used to destroy, remove, or control the growth of cancer cells. Hormonal therapy and Chemotherapy are systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are targeted to control or destroy cancer cells all over the body. Different forms of breast cancer treatment can be prescribed at the same time or one after other.

Surgery is one of the most common breast cancer treatments. Many types of surgical interventions may be used. A surgical intervention to remove breast is called a mastectomy. An operation carried out to remove the cancer cells without affecting the size of breast is called breast conserving surgery or breast sparing.

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy: Under this breast cancer treatment specialists use high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing.

Chemotherapeutic breast cancer treatment: specialists use different types of drugs or combination of different drugs to kill cancerous cells or stop them from growing. Drugs are given in cycles; a treatment period is followed by a recovery period that is again followed by another breast cancer treatment.

Hormonal therapy for breast cancer treatment is used to stop the growth of cancerous cells that affect the female hormones. This breast cancer treatment may include use of medicines, which change the way hormones work or surgery to remove the ovaries that produce female hormones.

Breast cancer treatment decisions are complex. The decisions are usually affected by the stage of the disease, judgment of the doctors and the consent of the patients.

Breast cancer pictures can be found on various websites and in medical books. These breast cancer pictures can be helpful to make the patient's know about their cancer stage and the possible remedy if any..

Funds are arranged through various programs like breast cancer walk to spread breast cancer information among the affected and suspected people and to give them moral and economic support as well.

Tyson J Stevenson writes on a wide variety of health related subjects, always with valuable news & reviews. Expect to see his name often.

A related resource is Breast Cancer Signs []

Further information can be found at News2Reviews []

Article Source:EzineArticles.