Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To Tackle Breast Cancer Successfully?

By Anna Hardy
Breast cancer could very well be placed at number one among all the killer diseases in women today. This type of cancer accounts for 26% of all the cancers in women. As such, it is largest killer cancer of all people in world, except maybe lung cancer. With so many women becoming victims of breast cancer each year, it should be thought that the medical fraternity must be having very detailed information about it. But that is hardly the case. Despite the millions of women dying each year, the causes, mechanisms and treatment of breast cancer still remains shrouded in mystery.
A simple layperson's definition of breast cancer is that it is an abnormal growth of a mass of cells known as a tumor anywhere within the breast. This growth is felt as a lumpy mass in the early stages of the cancer. This is when the woman must rush to the doctor. In fact any sudden inexplicable abnormality in the shape of the breast must be given medical attention immediately. There is no cause for alarm, as most changes could be perfectly harmless. But it is wise to rule out the possibility of blood cancer.
Another aspect of urgent medical attention is that breast cancer is fully treatable if it is seen to early. In all women suffering from breast cancer, the tumor will undergo an initial benign stage. At this stage the tumor has not started its abnormal multiplication. If it is removed when it is benign, the cancer does not spread, and in most cases, the woman gets totally cured of the disease and leads a normal life.
Nothing can be said about how long the tumor will remain benign. That depends on several inherent factors with the woman's physiology. The period of benign tumor is another part of breast cancer about which very little is known. But the presence of a tumor or such other symptoms is a strong indicator of occurrence of breast cancer. Apart from the tumor, there could be changes in the coloration of the skin over the breast. Other skin changes such as crimpling and folding could occur. The symptoms of breast cancer are also observed over the nipple and the areolas. The nipples could become inverted without reason, or there could be deformities in their shapes. The same could occur at the areolas, which are the dark circles around the nipples. In the later stages of the breast cancer, there could be a discharge of fluids from the nipples. This discharge could be pus-like, or it could even be a discharge of blood.
Even though the exact causes of breast cancer are not known, there are some women who are termed by the medical facilities as high-risk groups for the disease. Topping this list are the women who smoke and consume alcohol on a regular basis. Women who are obese due to lack of exercise or a physiological problem come next. Breast augmentation surgeries such as breast implants were once considered to be a primary reason for breast cancers. This was in the days silicone gel was used as the implanting material. However, today with the replacement of silicone gel with saline gel, the incidences of women getting cancer due to implants has become drastically less. It is also found that breast cancer cases run in families. Hence if a close relative has breast cancer, there is a great chance that the other women in the family could get it too. This indicates a hereditary factor influencing breast cancer.
Though the causes of breast cancer are unknown, there is a proliferation of the amount of literature about its prevention. Most of these methods are just hogwash, but there are many precautionary points that women must consider. Women must give high priority to losing their body weight, especially if there has been a case of breast cancer in the family. It is also a good idea to have a regular checkup. The checkup could also be done at home with finger pressure. With two fingers, the entire breast must be gradually touched, poking at points to check if there is any undue hardness felt.
Some women take drugs that contain estrogen in them. These could be for almost about anything - from increasing the sexual drive to increasing the amount of milk during lactation. But it must be remembered that any kind of hormonal disarray in the body could only make matters worse. It is not yet proven, but it can be assumed that an increase in the amount of estrogen in the blood could hasten the chances of blood cancer.
There are some foods that have been identified by dieticians to be good for preventing breast cancer. These include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and legumes. Even oranges, tomatoes and other citrus fruits could have some effects. Soy and its products are also good. A low carbohydrate diet is suggested. At the same time, it is needless to say that the woman must abstain from smoking and alcoholism.
Indulging in regular exercise and maintaining an overall positive outlook towards life could be important to remain away from breast cancer. Some alternative therapists believe that mental tensions could be one of the causes of breast cancer.
Read more about []Breast Cancer Treatment and other breast care issues at [] []
Also read more about the Benefits of []Natural Breast Enlargement.

7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Breasts - Quick Facts About Breast Cancer

By Neelima Reddy

According to the National Cancer Institute, there were more than 2.5 million women in 2006 who had a history of any type of breast cancer, and have managed to survive the ordeal.

To give you an idea about just how serious this disease is, take a look at some other statistics:

- Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer (next to lung cancer) in both men and women.

- Breast cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer-related deaths.

- Breast cancer is 100 times more frequent in women than in men - although the survival rate is equal in both sexes.

As you may already know, breast cancer is a type of cancer which starts in the cells of the breasts in both men and women. Although it does occur more frequently in women, the severity of the illness is just as serious where men are concerned.

Here, we will try to learn a few more things about women's breasts that you may not necessarily have known about. How do these facts about women's breasts affect the probability of having breast cancer? Read on to find out.

7 Things You Probably Didn't Know about Breasts

As mentioned earlier, what we will provide you with is a list of the top 7 things that you probably didn't know about breasts.

Half of these facts do not necessarily have anything to do with breast cancer, but half of them are related to the incidence of this serious disease. Take a look at the following list:

1. A woman's breasts swell during sex.

Traditionally, a woman's breasts represent her femininity and it's also a symbol of motherhood. Now, if you are tangling the sheets with your significant other, do you feel as if your breasts are swelling when you are already sexually aroused? There is a basis to this and it actually does in fact physically swell.

According to the British Medical Journal, women do experience up to 25% of swelling in their breasts when they are indulging in sexual activity. This is caused by the feeling of arousal and the hormonal surge in a woman's body. In addition, swollen breasts become the body's natural way of boosting its seductive powers from a man's point of view.

2. Breastfeeding can actually help you lose weight.

Whether you're a first-time, second-time or third-time mom, you will notice significant changes in your body during your entire pregnancy - especially when it comes to your breasts.

During the pregnancy stage, the breasts become larger in size due to lactation.

But did you know that if you do go for breastfeeding over feeding your baby with formula milk, it can actually help you lose weight? [Breastfeeding benefits]

According to the studies conducted by Dewey, Heinig and Nommsen of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who breastfeed from about three to six months have experienced a significant amount of fat loss in their own bodies. The weight loss may continue six months after your baby is born.

3. Women who are 50 years and up have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Perhaps the number one reason why there are fewer and fewer deaths associated with breast cancer is awareness on the part of the general women's population. [Breast cancer awareness]

Early diagnosis is actually the number one preventive measure that can be taken to fight death caused by breast cancer. So the earlier the condition is detected, the better the chances of survival rate.

But did you know that as you age, you would have a higher risk of developing the big C on your breasts? This is due to the fact that as women age, cellular mutation is on an increasing pattern.

Whether or not you have a family history of breast cancer, you should be more concerned about the possibility of developing the disease by the time that you hit your 50's.

4. Consuming milk may actually lead to breast cancer.

Sure, giving your milk to your baby when you are lactating may help you lose weight - but did you know that consuming milk yourself may actually lead to breast cancer?

The types of milk which are on the safe side include rice milk, goat's milk and almond milk.

On the other hand, those which are highly suspected of causing breast cancer include soy milk which contains isoflavones.

This is a plant-like estrogen which imitates the estrogen in humans - so drinking a lot of soy milk is not recommended by the experts.

If you have breast cancer, the goal is to keep the estrogen level low, and the recommended intake of isoflavones is only about 100 milligrams a day.

5. The healthier you are, the better it would be for the health of your breasts.

These days, it is quite easy to succumb into leading a sedentary lifestyle because everything seems to be easily within reach. There seems to be a link between obesity and breast cancer - which is exactly the reason why you should try to remain as healthy as you can for the benefit of your breast health and also your overall health.

Eating a lot of fruits and veggies, foods with antioxidants and having a proper exercise and diet program are the preventive measures that you can apply to prevent having breast cancer in the future.

Another way to live a cancer-free life is by avoiding alcohol as much as you can. There may be just a tiny link connecting these two - but the link is there just the same.

6. Women who religiously self-examine their breasts are no less likely to die of breast cancer, as compared to women who do not perform a breast self exam.

For the longest time now, women have been lead to believe that they should conduct a breast self exam every month.

A few years ago, the American Cancer Society has already tagged self-breast exams as being optional rather than a necessity.

A new way of doing things is with TLC or touch, look and check. This is the new rule of thumb that you need to live by, according to the British breast cancer foundation called Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

What you need to do is be aware of how your breasts feel normally. The minute that you feel a change, track it and if it does not go away, that is the time that you should seek the help of your doctor.

7. Wearing an underwire bra may be one of the many causes of cancer.

Sure, there are a lot of myths about how carcinogens are highly suspected when it comes to being the reasons for developing breast cancer. But the one thing which you may be doing on a regular basis that can actually cause such a disease to develop is wearing underwire bras.

Basically, in order for you to prevent cancer from happening, you do need to have a healthy lymphatic system. When you wear bras which have underwire in them, the circulation of the blood in the armpit area gets cut off.

As a result, your lymph nodes cannot properly eliminate the cancer-causing waste materials accumulated in the body - and this could be one of the reasons why your underwire bra is highly suspected when it comes to breast cancer development.

Now that you already have an idea about some of the common and not-so-common things that you know about a woman's breasts, you can take the precautionary measures in order to prevent breast cancer from developing in your body.

All in all, early detection of breast cancer, taking precautionary measures and being aware of the changes in your body are the things that you need to be armed with, if you want to win the fight against breast cancer.

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for Womens Health Blog helps you learn everything you need to know about women's health. For more information Visit


Early Detection Signs Or Symptoms of Breast Cancer

By Sarah Neill

Breast cancer, the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in UK women, is the disease women fear most.
Early detection of this disease is vital!
There are different signs and symptoms of breast cancer. One of the first signs or symptoms is feeling a lump in the breast. This lump will feel different then the other breast tissue around it.
It is known that more then eighty percent of women discover lumps by checking themselves. A physician can detect breast cancer by giving you a mammogram.
Knowing the signs and symptoms of breast cancer may help save your life.
When the disease is discovered early, you have more treatment options and a better chance for a cure. Most breast lumps aren't cancerous. Yet the most common sign of breast cancer for both men and women is a lump or thickening in the breast.
Often, the lump is painless.
Even though the public has learned a great deal about breast cancer, there remain more than a half-dozen popular breast cancer myths.
At least one such myth relates to the signs of breast cancer. Many women believe that finding a lump in the breast means that they have breast cancer, which is untrue.
Another symptom of breast cancer is Paget?s disease of the breast.
It is a syndrome that presents skin changes like redness and flaking skin of the nipple. As this advances symptoms may include itching, tingling, sensitivity, pain and burning and on occasion discharge from the nipple. About half of women that are diagnosed with Paget?s will also have a lump in the breast.
Another helpful piece of information is that some types of cancers, like the Inflammatory breast cancer and Pagent's disease show classic symptoms of their own type. Very red and hard breasts which keep getting sore show along with the regular breast cancer symptoms are a classic case of the Inflammatory breast cancer, whereas very itchy, red, scaly rashes, easily confused for eczema, on the breasts along with other breast cancer symptoms are Pagent's disease.
Always get the doctor to clarify your doubts.
Unlike the more common form of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer does not generally present as a lump.
The disease grows as nests or sheets that clog the lymph system under the skin. Often the symptoms are attributed to other diseases and thus the diagnosis may take a long time to occur.
For many women, abnormal cell activity in breast fluid will be the first warning of the potential development of breast cancer signs and symptoms. This early warning system gives women and their doctors precious extra time to implement a more vigilant, personalized breast health treatment plan.
A mammogram is an x-ray of the breast. This test is used to look for breast disease in women who do not appear to have breast problems. It can also be used when women have symptoms such as a lump, skin change, or nipple discharge.
Each year 180,000 women get breast cancer, this is an increase of over 50 percent of the women who were developing breast cancer before 1950.
The chances of developing breast cancer increases with age.
But, don't think that you don't have to worry if you are younger than 40, because more and more young women are also developing breast cancer than ever before.
Be vigilant in your breast exams and you will have greater peace of mind.
Early detection methods of detecting breast cancer has improved survival rates tremendously. Even with the amount of women developing breast cancer increasing, the amount of women who actually die of breast cancer these days is decreasing due to early detection and better treatment methods.
A screening mammogram is used to look for breast disease in women who have no breast concerns. A diagnostic mammogram is used when a woman has symptoms or if there are other barriers to accurate testing like breast implants.
Unfortunately, the early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. This is why it is important to follow screening recommendations. In most cases, the first signs of breast cancer are recognized as a small and often palpable lump in the breast.
Women with a higher risk of breast cancer should talk with their doctor about the best approach for them. They may benefit from starting mammograms when they are younger, having them more often, or having other tests. If you are at higher risk, your doctor might recommend an ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) be done along with your mammograms.
If you notice any of these warning signs of breast cancer do not panic. Call your health care provider early and have it checked out. Not all these changes may represent cancer but you will not know unless you are examined.
Yet there is more reason for optimism than ever before.
In the last 30 years, doctors have made great strides in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease and in reducing breast cancer deaths.
In 1975, a diagnosis of breast cancer usually meant radical mastectomy - removal of the entire breast along with underarm lymph nodes and muscles underneath the breast.
Today, radical mastectomy is rarely performed. Instead, there are more and better treatment options, and many women are candidates for breast-sparing operations.
Most breast cancer symptoms are visually observable and highlight the need for regular breast self exams.
While breast cancer cannot be prevented, early detection of cancer warning signs and early diagnosis dramatically increases the likelihood of successful treatment.
The good news is that many times, especially if a lump is caught early, women with breast cancer go on to live full, healthy lives after treatment.
Some women also join support groups so they can talk to other women with breast cancer who are feeling the same emotions, this can be very beneficial and supportive.

Article Source:EzineArticles